World Anti-DrugTransnational Internet contest - "Maya"

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Two hours to death

26.09.2012       09:23       Day 15       Edik

In the beginning of 2006, I used to live at my relative’s place in one room with my cousin. He asked his mother to allow me to stay there, because doors and windows in our house were broken and it was really cold. I have no idea where mom lived, but she came to visit me every day. Once, she didn’t appear for three days already. Our next door neighbor called me and said that someone in our home was moaning for three days already. I rushed home right away.

Having arrived home, I became so scared. Covered by blankets and with fever, mom lied on the bed. I didn’t know what to do. I remembered about the doctor, who used to treat mother every day and went to see her. She said that the working day was over and none of the doctors was already there. She gave me some medications from temperature and asked to come back tomorrow, so we will go to see mom together.

When I came back home, mom felt even worse. I called the ambulance from our neighbors, but doctors injected her something and proposed to call the doctor from the local health center tomorrow. They left. I had no clue to what I was supposed to do. I cried and asked mom, but she was not able to reply to my questions. In a while, I called the ambulance once again. They also wanted to leave, but finally spared me and decided to take us to the hospital.

Later, the doctors told me that it was a wise decision not to wait till the morning, because in two more hours mom would have died. I did not want to leave, but I was  asked to come tomorrow, because there was no need to worry about her. I stayed next to her window till night, and then left. I was so scared. I was crying for the whole night and could not fall asleep. My brother tried to calm me down and aunt in turn said: “She would rather take care of her son and drink less!” At that time, I couldn’t reply her anything, but felt offended, because mom was sick and she…

Three days later, mom started to recognize me and I could talk to her, but at night I was always kicked out from the hospital. I worried a lot and when couple of days later she was transported to the narcological center, that familiar doctor allowed me to sleep next to mom. I can hardly remember all the details of the events, but the fear that mom can die I guess remembered for the rest of my life.

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  • Curious, 28.09.12, 02:24

    How old wer you at that time, Eddie?

  • Tina, 27.09.12, 21:39

    I think he would never forgive himself if the help came these two hours later. Thanks to God, his mom was all right

  • Angeline, 27.09.12, 12:38

    Yeah, it's the most frightening thing one can see... his mom dying.... Thank's Heaven, this boy came in time...

  • Chris, 27.09.12, 04:36

    Hey! He saved her life anyway! Tht's the only thing that matters!

  • Rony, 26.09.12, 13:11

    Wait, you write you even idn't know where your mom had been living all that time? Do you really mean you weren't even interested in it? Is it a kind of thing a loving son would do? I doubt.

  • Ginger, 26.09.12, 12:35

    You saved her life! It's a miracle you were there that time!

  • Jinny, 26.09.12, 11:07

    Oh, my.... It's the most hottible thing a human can face...

  • Ricky, 26.09.12, 09:32

    Terrible... How can you stand it?