World League "Mind Free of Drugs"
World League "Mind Free of Drugs"
About World League
The World League «Mind Free of Drugs» is a public membership anti-drug organization. It was officially registered in Bishkek, Kyrgyz Republic in October 2001.
Leader and Founder of the League - world renowned psychiatrist and expert in drug addiction, professor Jenishbek Nazaraliev. Idea to create the League was realized after numerous meetings with colleagues, people whose life was crippled by drug addiction, with representatives of different organizations and communities during the facts finding missions around the globe. As Doctor usually stating: “There is no land found on a big planet being blessed to be free for people who are not suffering from drug addiction. The wave of drug madness moving from one country to another. And the only way to resist is to unite all our efforts together throughout the world.” This idea of Jenishbek Nazaraliev has become the basis for the creation of the World League “Mind Free of Drugs.”
Main objective of the League is the formation in the world community of a psychological immunity to drugs by all means (Article 2 of Statutes of the World League “Mind Free of Drugs”). Everything shall work on formation of the social matrix for drugs rejection. It is necessary to create a new subculture for youth for effective influence on consciousness, emotions and mentality of young generation, in order to demonstrate that it is fashionable to be relaxed, free and healthy!
One of our tasks is to conduct on a regular basis Anti-Drug Actions - “Marsh-Parades” in cities and countries of the world, in order to attract attention of the world community and especially youth to the problem of drug addiction. This is going to be the form of social solidarity to resist spreading of drug net.
Transcontinental auto-marathon “No hard drugs!” is the next step of the race during the World Marsh-Parade “The Planet -Earth”. In accordance with approved project, Initiative Group of the World League headed by its President will conduct during 2 year period, transcontinental auto-marathon in 49 countries of the world with targeted Anti-Drug Broad Scaled Events in 67 cities of the planet, included into the world race “The Planet-Earth”.
Our next project - Tashtar-Ata The Mount of Salvation. Rejuvenating philosophy of the Salvation Mount Tashtar-Ata, even now becoming a magnet attracting pilgrims captured by drug addiction. We want to communicate to the world collective consciousness the ritual of rejection from drugs on a unique Salvation Mount Tashtar-Ata, which is located in Kyrgyzstan at crossing point of ancient Trans-Asian routes and modern drug trafficking of countries of the Golden Crescent, as an important stage of rehabilitation from the fatal addiction.
Apart from that, on November 3, 2010 the World League has launched its new project, Transnational Online Contest “Maya” (which in Sanskrit means “illusion”) aimed at disclosing cruel and unattractive reality of people living in the world of drug illusions. Authors of the best outright photos, shocking videos, drawings, real stories from life of drug addicts - all of those things which could disclose the truth face of drug addiction, will be awarded.
The following great personalities of present times became honorable members of the World League such as His Holiness Dalai Lama XIV, His Excellency, Prince Karim Aga Khan, the former Prime Minister of Bhutan Leonpo D. Kinzang Dorji, Nobel Prize Laureate Kofi Annan, Space Pilot who was awarded twice as the Hero of the Soviet Union Mr.Petr Klimuk, former Governor of California Arnold Schwarzenegger, Nobel Prize Laureate in Physics Masatoshi Koshiba, Rector of UN University Hans van Ginkel, former UNESCO Director General Koichiro Matsuura, the spiritual leaders of the four traditional religions in Russia, the world champion in boxing Kostya Tszyu, former Minister of Culture and Arts of India Vinod Khanna and other internationally renowned figures in politics, business, sports and arts.
We know that this list will increase every day. Later on, after the collection of 1000 signatures of the world renowned personalities, the capsule with signed Addresses to the Humanity XXII Century will ceremonially be placed for 100 years at one of the places, having special symbolic importance (Everest, Mount Fuji, Mount Kilimanjaro, and others).