The MayaPlanet project has one feature - we've never tried to impose our point view. Forcing teenagers not to use drugs, by didactically pointing with finger is as stupid as to ban eating sweets to a five years old baby, threatening him with the tooth loss.
Most of the time a teenager chooses drugs as means of protest. He needs to prove to his parents, teachers, and peers that he is an adult and has the right to make choices of his own. Attempts to challenge this fact are more often in vain, so we tell about what might be the consequences of a choice made in favor of the drug dealers. But to start with, first, we would like to talk about the most popular drugs among youth.
So, at all times, since the younger generation is insolvent (with rare exceptions), the choice of drugs falls on the so-called various pharmacy. It is these drugs that are easily available at any pharmacie, leading to a rapid and very terrible results. In the jargon of young drug addicts, the pharmacies called the "points" of selling drugs. Among them are the most popular and cheapest is "Nurofen +." It can be purchased at any pharmacy of any city.
Such a preparation as "Turpin" (Turpin-hydrate), not so long ago was one of the most well-known pharmaceutical drug, but it is now much more expensive, and it is used only by those who have a passion for it for a long time. And finally, mostly known as "Crocodile" (desomorphine) gained a high popularity in the past few years. Crocodile - a mixture of several drugs that are sold in pharmacies without a prescription, it is considered a drug for the poorest. It is used intravenously.
As in the past few years, eye drops gained immense popularity among teenagers. Yes, eye drops, "Tropicamide" is used intravenously as heroin.
Of course, the list of drugs containing narcotic substances in its composition, is much wider, but these are the most popular among teenagers, because their purchase is obtained very easily.
Now the main thing, what is so dangerous about drugs contained in medical products? First, it is important to note that cases of death from an overdose of "legal drugs" in recent years has increased by 3 times. In general, pharmaceutical drugs have the same effects as heroin and cocaine: addiction, liver damage, reduced immunity and susceptibility to infectious diseases, diseases of the veins, because of the disruption of calcium metabolism - tooth decay, reduced intelligence, and impotence. Although pharmaceutical drugs have their own specific organ damage. For example, the "Crocodile" (desomorphine) has such a serious effect on the body, that after three months of regular usage of the drug a person begins to literally fall apart.
How old should a child at the time when he will get a coveted freedom – it is for parents to decide. However, no matter how old is the child, it is necessary to teach him that freedom - is responsibility primarily for himself.