The most dangerous enemy is the one you don’t know. While the most dangerous drugs, as a rule, are thought to be the enemy’s veterans of the war between the mankind and drugs, we shouldn’t underestimate the severity of the consequences of the new synthetic drugs plague-like pandemic. The availability of such drugs has accelerated the dynamics and increased the area of their expansion until it reached the catastrophic proportion. And while (due to the lack of appropriate legislation) de jure they are not banned yet, synthetic analogues of natural drugs, as before, will bring immense profits, comparable with state budget of a small country, to the owners of online shops and other ‘legal pushers’, and cause challenges and risks frightful even to think of for the next generation.
This drug genocide uses arsenal including hundreds of new advanced weapons, but the most dangerous of them are those which were not studied yet, and their consequences are unknown. So, for example, an American organic chemist at Clemson University in South Carolina, USA0, has synthesized a chemical substance called JWH. Few of those who used it know that the junk causing partial brain damage was named after its creator John W. Huffman. The substance is wide spread as a component of smoking blends (smoke spices, aroma-mixes etc.).
By the moment, it’s known that JWH causes mental disturbance, consequences of its use are similar to the use of hard drugs. Using the drug regularly, a man vomits, suffers from hallucinations, anxious feeling, so called recreance (Panic fear). Frequent are cases when people, who used to smoke spices, ended up in mental health clinics.
The consequences of using JWH may be irreversible, as all toxicant agents are brought to blood which, in its turn, disperses toxins all through the organism. But the bulk of impact effects liver, lungs and brain. The brain’s defense reaction manifesting as vasoconstriction (capillary constriction), it causes anoxemia (scarcity of oxygen) which leads to the capillary necrosis. Many people who decided to continue using JWH, sexual debility, impotence and infertility will be and indispensable part of their everyday life.
It’s just a small part of JWH effects, let’s wait and see what else surprises it is preparing for us. Indeed, while discussing the conspiracy of smoke spices’ manufacturers directed to asexualization of certain countries as a whole, millions of young people, still alert because of their price (synthetic analogues of natural drugs are five times more expensive than natural drugs, and the synthetics are five times more powerful too), nevertheless, still foot the bill, suffering terrible health outcomes as consequences of using drugs. It looks like they deliberately, paying their own money, volunteered to play the role of laboratory rats, offering to use their bodies and souls for some terrible experiment.