Consequences of drug addiction have negative influence on both physical state of dependable persons and their psychics. Among all medical consequences of narcotic diseases, the most important is typical modifications of personality of afflicted persons. Therefore, in the process of drugs usage within the definite period of time, weakness and degradation of psychics, decreasing of life potentials and interests, loss of emotions take place.
At the first stage of drugs addiction, person feels so called, affective disturbances, which characterize transformation of personality toward emotional weakness, increased sensibility, and predisposition to the inadequate response to the environment. It is necessary to mention, that in the process of disease, subjective personal characteristics in course of time are smoothed and patients started to be similar to each other.
Behavior of drugs addicts, mainly, is characterized by psychopathic disturbances, which appear in the form of falsehood, depression, loss of call of duty, autocriticism, and improper attitude to the consequences of drugs addiction. Hereby, psychopathic degradation of personality starts the developing process, that forces man to focus all his/her thoughts and energy to the drugs.
Formation of such disturbances is noted practically in all cases, associated with usage of narcotic substances. Especially it is observed among the addicts, who inspire the evaporations of organic solvents, i.e. who are the victims of toxicomania. The most significant disturbances of psychics are observed in the process of excessive use of barbiturates and the other sedative substances. At the final stages of these forms of drug addiction, the state of acquired acatalepsy is occurred. At the last stage according to the rate of psychologic –organic syndrome formation, the afflicted persons, who excessively use the means, prepared from ephedrin and ephedrine-contained mixes. Drugs addicts, who use cannabis, opium and heroin, the intellectual disturbances are formed during the longest period of time.
Among the hard medical consequences of drugs addiction and toxicomania it is necessary to outline increased predisposition to suicide. According to the statistical data, the risk among different types of drugs addicts, in comparison with normal people, present risk is increased in 5—20 times. The real tendencies to the suicides are noted among drugs addicts: they set up to themselves the bodies injuries (as a rule, maims), however, more often they do it with demonstrative purpose for elimination of tension at the level of effect, i.e. at sight of blood, the drug addicts settles nerves.
Different types of infections (hepatitis B and C, AIDS and sepsis), which arisen due to non-observance of hygiene and aseptic rules, can be referred to the negative consequences of drug addiction. Almost all drugs addicts have enlarged liver and they feel pain in the process of palpation. Also there is different disturbances from the side of nervous, cardiovascular, endocrine systems and respiratory apparatus, nephros disease processes.
One of the important and significant characteristics of drug addiction consequences is advanced mortality, which is occurred in the form of different accidents, suicides, intoxications due to overdosing, outrage, traumatism, and also different bodily diseases. The average age of dead persons is 36 years.
Additionally, consequences of drugs addiction also affect ability to work: drugs addicts do not work; they are engaged into the criminal activity, trying to get the precious dose. Also in according with statistical data, families, where one from their members id drug addicts, are broken down.
Yana Galimova,