Yohko Hatada
Yohko Hatada
Yohko Hatada PhD from Department of Physiology Anatomy and Genetics in University of Oxford, UK. She has been doing researches in neuroscience, cognitive neurology, psychology, genetics in such countries as USA, UK, China, Japan and France.
Yohko Hatada recieved PhD from Department of Physiology Anatomy and Genetics in University of Oxford, UK. She has been doing researches in neuroscience, cognitive neurology, psychology, genetics in such countries as USA, UK, China, Japan and France, and published numerous scientific publications and a book called "The axis formation in the chick embryo". She was given the British Medical Foundation "Wellcome Trust" Prize Award for Doctoral scholars. Membership in Professional Societies: Vision Science Society (VSS), Applied Vision Association (AVA), Computational Cognitive Neuroscience (CCNS), Cognitive Neuroscience Society (CNS), Society for Neuroscience (SFN), European Conference on Visual Perception (ECVP). "I think, long-term international projects like "Maya" that promotes youth education, involving people from all the world, are great!"-said Mrs. Hatada about our project.
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