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The volume of drug trafficking through the territory of Kyrgyzstan is estimated at $ 6 billion


In a recent publication of the "Rosskiyskaya Gazeta" journalists investigated growing problem of drug trafficking from Afghanistan through the territory of Kyrgyzstan.

Published materials indicate that amount of different drugs worth of approximately $18 billions  are transported through the Central Asian states to the near and far abroad countries every year. Third part of this amount($6 billion) is accounted for Kyrgyzstan.

Statistics contained in this article indicate that the vast majority of drug dealers were caught by the Interior Ministry units. Police intercepted  up to 88% of transported drugs through the country.

The volume of drug trafficking through the territory of Kyrgyzstan is estimated at $ 6 billion

The second most efficient organization in this field is  State Service for Drug Control.  Drug trafficking is also controlled by the State Committee for National Security.

However, according to experts, all of these efforts are insufficient and it is needed to significantly increase the effectiveness of anti-drug work. The first step in this direction was taken when the Kyrgyz authorities have initiated an agreement with the UN Office on Drugs on how to use satellite data to detect not only the plantations, but also to find ways of  cross-border drug trafficking.

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