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A judoka - marijuana user was expelled from the Olimpic Games


During the last days of the Olympic Games, the International Olympic Committee ruled out a decision to disqualify American judoka Nicholas Delpopolo after he had failed a drug test. Experts found THC (tetrahydrocannabinol, alcaloidum of cannabis) in his blood.

The American athlete, who is 23, insists that he can’t define unambiguously the origin of the traces marijuana found in his blood.

“I can’t say for sure why it happened like this. My positive test was caused by my inadvertent consumption of food that I did not realize had been baked with marijuana, before I left for the Olympic Games. I apologize to U.S. Olympic Committee and to my teammates. I am embarrassed by this mistake. I hope when I return to sport, I will be able to repreresent my country in the future," Delpopolo says. The United States Olympic Committee gave a strict assessment of the fact: “We are absolutely committed to clean competition and we absolutely support the disqualification.” 

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