According to a recent research of the World Health Organisation, Spain is among the countries having the highest percentage of teenagers who use marijuana regularly. The ratio of Canada is very close to the Spanish one.
So the WHO report exposed deplorable data: 16% of Spanish teenagers younger than 15 admit that they smoked pot at least once last month. The situation concerning drug use at the early age is even worse. The research has shown that about 27.5% of Spanish pupils admitted that they used cannabis being younger than 15. This ratio in Canada is as big as 33%, it makes 30.5% in the Czech Republic, 29.5% in Switzerland, 28% in the USA, 19% in Italy,12% in Portugal and 11.5 % in Germany.
There are also gender differences: there are 5% boys more than girls among teenagers who use marijuana (30% boys and 25% girls).
It’s noteworthy that the WHO research of trends in drug related situation at the global context is carried out every four years in 40 countries. The research covers children of 11, 13 and 15.