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A cherry-merry parcel: 6 kg of hemp were sent to France by post


A young resident of Angouleme, France, got a parcel sent by his friend from the Republic of Togo, allegedly, as a sign of his gratitude for his hospitality. However, owning to the efforts of both French police and customs service, instead of the present, the addressee got 3 years of prison (half of the tem is a suspended sentence).

 Post officers were suspicious about the parcel’s content, so the handed it to cutoms officers for X-ray examination. The suspicions proved to be well-founded: the parcel included 4 souvenir-like decorative cartons containing 6.4 kg of cannabis and a wicker basket. The basket carriers also contained disguised pot.  

According to Cyril Vidali, the vice- prosecutor of Angoulême, the suspect confessed that he used drugs and was involved in drug trade.

According to customs officers, the total value of the confiscated consignment is approximately 6.5 thousand euro. This is the amount the detainee is to pay as a fine.

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