Recently it became known that on August 29, 2012, during a special complex operation, the Mexican drug control services arrested two CIA operatives. According to the official U.S. version, they were dealing with the drug trafficking control across the US-Mexican border.
The process of detention has become a real battle with the use of massed fire from automatic weapons. After all, the armored jeep with agents was stopped and shot by Mexican police.
After seriously wounded CIA agents gave up, the U.S. ambassador to Mexico informed about this incident the U.S. State Department, which later took the action. As a result, the U.S. made a strong political pressure on the leaders of Mexico and the detainees gained immunity status and were taken out to the U.S. on a military plane.
According to the information given by the Mexican police, the car in which the agents were arrested was the property of the U.S. Embassy. Investigators have found marks, proving the "criminal activities related to drugs."
The police already have data that released CIA agents took part in a special training course at a training camp for drug-cartel militants.