The scaring statistic of the appearance of new drugs showed that drug business prospers and doesn’t plan to give up. New drugs started to appear so often that sometimes they don’t get into the list of strictly banned medications. The Deputy Head of International Law Department, Federal Drug Control Service of the Russian Federation (FDCS RF) explained what his department usually does in order to resolve this situation.
Despite the fact that the list of banned substances is approved by the government, only FDCS RF can include new substances into the list. This red tape significantly slows the process of ban down – it takes around 1.5 or 2 for the period between the detection and introduction of a new drug to the abovementioned list.
As one of the solutions for this problem, Zinoviev proposes the draft law that will allow the head of FDCS RF to stop the circulation of substances, which supposedly contain psychotropic substances and might threaten the society. Right now the law is under discussion and, as officials say, will be accepted soon.
This legal initiative fits well into the national strategy of the drug control service, run until the 2020, which will apply forced measures along with prophylactic. “Forced measures cannot be applied alone, we need to decrease the demand on drugs itself,” Zinoviev stated.