At the recent meeting with journalists, Yuriy Fedotov, the executive head of the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) voiced the position of his organization – legalization of any types of drugs will only cause the increase in drug consumption.
“In this sense, drugs are similar to alcohol and tobacco, the increased availability of which causes the growth of consumption,” Yuriy Fedotov stated.
To support his statement, Fedotov presented the mortality statistics, according to which around 4million of people annually dies from smoking, 2,5 millionn from alcohol and 200 thousands of people from drugs.
“These numbers show that, despite some disadvantages, the world service on drug control and prevention of drug addiction, based on the UN Conventions, functions effectivel,” Fedotov said.
Fedotov thinks that the next task for everyone fighting with drugs is in total prevention of the drug consumption.