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The Central region of France is overcrowded with drug addicted drivers.


This year has brought the road police of Ile-de-France, the Central region of France, an unexpected surprise. As it was revealed, according to statistics, last year the number of addicts, was significantly less in comparison with 2012.

Thus, 14 road police special operations, which were aimed to find drivers, who travel under the influence of alcohol or drugs, allowed to reveal around 33 thousands of cases of the alcohol use and 700 cases of the drug abuse before the driving.

These numbers showed that in comparison with the last year, the number of drunk drivers decreased, whereas the number of drivers –drug addicts increased for more than 2 percent.

Specialists relate this tendency to the increase of the light drugs availability and also with the appearance of the larger volumes of the new physic substances, so popular among European youth, and call the drug control agencies to participate actively in the existing situation.

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