Representatives of the Catalan Health Agency announced about the launch of the new state informational project “Drug portal” in the region.
This Internet source represents the informational portal, directed towards the education of the society about the hard that drug addiction causes. It contains all the statistic data, information about various kinds of drugs and about places where addicts can find medical and legal assistance.This website includes myths and misconceptions about drugs, as well as the description of the abuse symptoms of different kinds of drugs.
“The new informational resource is directed towards two categories of users – ordinary citizens, who need help, and specialists in the field of drug treatment and fight with drug business,”the head of the project “Drug portal” said.
The creation of the informational resources with anti-drug focus is the important part of the state program “The development plan of the health care of Catalonia region”, since the situation with addictions rapidly worsens. In 2011 already more than 13 000 of Catalans passed the addiction treatment.