Brazilian criminals took up arms against the best drug detective in the country – dog, named Boss.
According to the informational agency BBC, Brazilian drug dealers made up a new way of preventing the police to conduct the anti-drug fight. From the conversation of the drug cartels it was revealed that criminals plan to kill dogs, searching for drugs.
Police of Rio-de-Janeiro, conducting the ongoing wiretap of conversations of the major figures of Brazil drug business, caught a phone call, where the criminals were talking about their plan to kill Boss, the best dog detective, trained on drugs searching.
“Criminals said that they plan to shoot Boss, cause it has brought them a lot of troubles,” – Victor Valle, policeman of the unit to combat drug trafficking, stated in his interview with Brazilian press.
It is worth mentioning that in one of the last operations on combatting drugs, Boss found 400 kilos of marijuana, hid in the wall of some haunt. Now, this valuable police detective is taken under the strong protection.