Last night, all the supporters for the marijuana legalization and free sale were extremely happy. The reason for that was the adoption in the U.S. of a so called “Amendment 64”, according to which anyone, who has reached 21 can purchase marijuana unlimited for own purposes.
The amendment was adopted in Colorado and Washington states as a result of the open, nation-wide voting. It is already a second voting regarding this question, since in 2006 the punishment for the storage of marijuana by people, reached 21, was already cancelled.
“For the last 8 years we have proved that it’s fair and right to allow the smoking of marijuana to those, who preferred it to alcohol,- Mason Tverta, one of the leaders of the marijuana legalization movement stated, - Finally people have supported us.”
“All the legislative acts about the places and ways of marijuana use will be developed in the next 30 days,”- John Hickenlooper, the governor of the Colorado state, said.
The good news is that in the U.S. federal law, marijuana is till considered as a drug, which creates the vivid difficulties for the legalization supporters and won’t allow this initiative to go beyond the limits.