We are pleased to announce that the Transnational Anti-Drug "Maya" projects list of celebrities, who have expressed their active position against drug addiction, is updated. On February 23, 2012 we received a support letter from well-known American model and Oscar-winning actress Charlize Theron. Ms. Theron as well as many other Hollywood stars is involved in a charity work. She is a head of Charlize Theron Africa Outreach Project: the foundation working on problems of child abuse and AIDS in Africa. Ms. Theron commended our Organizing Committee and offered to combine our efforts for better work on fighting against drug abuse. "We are pleased to work in the same ideological team with you" - the letter says.
The ideological and informational support of celebrities and reputable organizations has a high value for the successful promotion of Anti-Drug project "Maya." We believe that further cooperation with the Charlize Theron Africa Outreach Project will help us to make efforts on prevention of drug abuse on the African continent more effective.