World Anti-DrugTransnational Internet contest - "Maya"

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 Dear friends!

We are glad to inform you that experts’ team of our project was enlarged by joining of outstanding minds and experienced specialists of world science who have made invaluable contribution in society development.
Our global social project was supported by famous individuals such as Professor John Cooper (Mass Media and Communication Specialist, Missouri, USA), Professor Michael Bohlander (Law Expert, Germany) Professor Karen Miotto  (Specialist in Psychiatry, Director of Neurology and human behavior Institute, USA), Professor Shiella С. Balbutin (Expert in Cultural Sudies, Phillipines), Herhard Ertl (Nobel prize winner in Chemistry, Germany), Danny Oppenheimer (Psychology Specialist, Princeton University, USA), Nikolay Belyakov (Philosophy Specialist, Russia), Professor Nona Bobohidze (Philology Specialist, Georgia) and other competent scientists.
By clicking rubric “Expert Opinions” of our web site you are free to ask our experts any questions concerning drug-abuse and problems caused by drug addiction, considering the field of their professional interests.
You have chance to address your question to our international experts of “Maya” contest on any of 7 languages which our project is available on (English, Chinese, French, Arabic, Spanish, Japanese and Russian).
Competent translators interpret your message to native language of our experts so you can get answers as fast as possible.
Reminding you that during 12 months of “Maya” project our portal will be noctidial forum for open dialogs of experts in narcology, sociology, psychology, criminology, political science, history and philosophy with drug addicts and people who are concerned about their problems.
Organizing Committee of Internet Anti-drug contest “Maya”
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