After the medical conclusion about the danger of the use of synthetic marijuana, "spices", including such varieties as "K-2", "Skunk" and "Nice Guy" and others, were outlawed in New York State. It became 36th State where the ban on smoking mixes was applied. Penalty of $500 or one month of imprisonment as an alternative is appointed for the violation of this law.
The war against synthetic marijuana (so-called "spice" or smoking blends) has reached the United States. According to country's drug control officials, popularity of these drugs is growing at an incredible pace mostly among teenagers. Thousands of young people end up the hospitals because of the overdose of smoking blends, several of them died.
Packages with "spice" were covered by «Not for human consumption" signs, but this did not stop buyers. Young Americans were buying up large quantities of the drug, which was not only legal, but also very cheap, and promoted the new cult of its use, sharing their impressions on various Internet sites.
Despite the fact that all the negative consequences of the use of "spice" are not fully studied, statistics speaks for itself. Only in New York more than 100 hospitalization cases were officially registered last year. The same situation is in Illinois and several other states. This allows doctors and authorities clearly state that this drug has a serious risk for life and health.
The owner of a tobacco shop in New York says: "These mixes were produced by more than 150 companies in the U.S. and there were and are dozens of them abroad”. The effect of their use may be different, most of the times it is just panic and fear, claustrophobia and fear that you will be "revealed". Basically people lose their minds. However, there are a large number of people who love this state, even though it lasts less than 20 minutes. I have had a shop selling "spice" for a while, but then I stopped selling them because I think it's wrong. "
However, not only teenagers in the United States indulge themselves in this kind of drug. FoxNews published information that well-known American actress, Demi Moore, was hospitalized due to poisoning by one of the "spice" types. This is despite the fact that in California, where she lives, real natural marijuana is legalized and sold by prescription.