Hi .. Ive been doin dope for some time now.. Dont know how I got started but Im gonna quit. Ive quit a few times before but I of course Im the Clueless girl who let her peers bring her back on it. But This time I think its because I've matured a little more and my reasons for quitting are different.. Ive decided that I want more out of life and learned that no ones gonna be knocking on my door with it.. but that I have to go get it myself. So world watch out.. Im gonna do myself.. So thats a little bit of my story. I know everyone is a little different . but the reason your reading this is because either You or someone you love.. is caught up in this horrible way of life. If you are watching for yourself. I am proof that you can do this.. Im just like you.. Ive been where you are.. and have witnessed the same horrors . If your here for a loved one.. dont give up hope!! We need you.. I cant tell you how much it helps to just hear that one person say, I believe in you! and if your here because your just curious .. well this should be all you need to know that this is something you never wanna get caught up in. enough said...
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