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Reasons to live...

Reasons to live...

Author:   Admin

Country:   United States

Date of addition: 27.06.2012


Reasons to live...

 In the drug addiction there are a lot of definitions and there are even more views on this matter. Yet a few would argue with this: " As a rule, drug addiction - is all that brings fun and physical sensation of pleasure with it. The nervous system, getting used to such euphoria, from time to time begins to require it again, and then your main enemy - it's your body. "

Today the drug addiction is usually called the use of external agents acting on the brain and distorting the perception of mind of information coming into the brain, causing a paradoxical perception of the world. Consequently, every person may be called a potential drug addict. The body is designed for all people equally, and the situations are different.

 Thus, the dependence is dictated by the pleasant memories of the nervous system, which, through all the available levers in your body, makes you think about a new dose. But the rule of the brain over all processes in the body will help a stumbled man to quit drugs.

 For a start, despite the fact that it sounds corny, a strong desire to "stop", the realization of expected drug illusory emotions and, of course, an incentive are necessary. A priori , the latter is present in every human, because we already have a chance to see this world, and none of us do not really know whether or not there will be a second chance.

 You can live, create, love to travel, enjoy, work, meet, laugh, dance, play, dream, do something! While you're alive, you can do anything ... And if you decide to live and take everything from life, rather than drag out the existence of idle in a drugged stupor, then immediately get up from the computer and threw all your reserves of dope.

 And everyone who reads this text has thousand reasons to take this step right now. Half of the people who have read this text thought that they can do so at any time, but then thought themselves insecure and they know why. Maybe a couple of people thinking seriously about it, and if at least one will challenge the coward, and his weaknesses, he will win. And you continue to sit and watch other people's success stories, comparing them with the history of disappointments of your own.

 Only awareness and several ways to remove the primary abstinence (breaking) are required. Naming and putting them into practice can be different. For lovers of the sacred it may be a ritual ceremony of a medicine man or shaman. For some, a good bath with ice water would be sufficient. A good spanking will reset the body. But if the inner feeling makes you doubt your abilities, you should turn to a medical advice. In the modern clinics the success stories are not uncommon.


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