International Federaton, China
WUF was established on October 3,1990 in Beijing,China,the location of its headquarters.At the 28th Congress of the General Association of International Sports Federations held in Monaco on October 22,1994,IWUF was accepted as an offcial member of (GAISF).The resolution to admit IWUF was adopted at the l09th session of IOC held on June 20,1999 in Seoul,South korea.On December 10,2001 the International Wushu Federation sighed an agreement with the World Anti-Doping Agency.Now IWUF has 119 member federations from the countries and regions of the five continents.Under IWUF there are Executive Committee, Technical Committee,Traditional Wushu Committee,Medical Committee and Marketing and Development Committee. The successive presidents of IWUF are Li Menghua,Wu Shaozu,Li Zhijian and Yu Zaiqing(present).