“Man creates favorable or unfavorable living conditions for himself’ - Veronica Svechnikova used these words speaking about fate. She did not know what awaits her in life.
She was an excellent student in school at age 16 got a passport. Instantly sensing freedom, she began to ignore the teachers... She worked as a nurse in a kindergarten and then decided to become a saleswoman. At first she used alcohol, but after began to sell and use drugs. Her parents' home became an opium den. She did not want to stop using drugs. Mother of Veronica was beaten by her crime partners.
One day, her mother could not stand it any longer. She decided to go to the police and tell everything about the daughter of storage and distribution of drugs. But first, she decided to talk with his daughter. The eve of this Veronica received a salary and was stoned.
When her mother came into the Veronica’s room, she found daughter with a knife in a hand. The woman tried to take away weapon, but Veronica hit her in the stomach. Woman died without having regained consciousness.
Veronica was arrested, sentenced to 10 years imprisonment and to drug abuse forced treatment. According to her, mother’s death was a terrible event in her life. She does not remember what prompted her to stab the mother, but Veronica stopped to use drugs once and forever.
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