The UN supports withdrawal of sanctions against injection drug users.
The UN Global Commission on HIV and the Law published its report calling all countries of the world to withdraw legal sanctions against injection drug users....
An American schoolboy set up a large drug supply chain
Police of Ohio arrested a 17-year-old high school student who used to sell marijuana to his classmates. The drug supply chain also included six other high school students....
Two tons of marijuana found at a Mexican cemetery
Two tons of marijuana has been found at a Mexican cemetery as a result of "Operation Northeast” in the states of Coahuila, Nuevo León and Tamaulipas. It's still unknown which drug cartel the marijuana belonged to....
Ecstasy use can deteriorate memory
Researchers of the University of Cologne in Germany proved negative effect of using ecstasy for human organism: the use of the drug can cause extremely negative consequences for human memory. 150 volunteers who had used ecstasy five or fewer times participated in the experiment...
13% of Russian citizens have experienced using drugs
The Associated Press reports that 13% of Russian citizens have experienced using drugs. According to the rating, the drug problem outruns corruption, unemployment, poverty, terrorism, criminality and pollution of the environment. ...
The collapse of the Zetas drug cartel will result in social urest in Mexico
the tensions between the two criminal leaders of Zetas, one of the largest drug cartels increased very much. Heriberto Lazcano, alias 'Z-3', and Miguel Ángel Treviño Morales (a.k.a. Z-40) are in direct confrontation with each other. If no peaceful solution is found, a wave of social unrest will cover North-Easetern territories under the control pf Los Zetas....
Summer Olympic Games 2012: off-schedule doping tests
The International Association of Athletics Federations intensified the system of doping tests before the Summer Olympic Games 2012 in London using new advanced detection methods. By this moment, at least 107 people were banned from taking part in qualifying competitions for doping in different sports....
British pharmacologists say: cannabis can help treat diabetes and obesity
GW Pharmaceuticals, a British company specializing in the use of marijuana for medical purposes discovered that cannabis can be used t o combat obesity and diabetes....
The number of drug users in the Russian capital increases
The number of Moscow drug users increases. “Moscow attracts immigrants, that's why it has become a city with one of the biggest numbers of drug-related crimes among foreign citizens,” Head of Moscow Department of the Federal Drug Control Service Vyacheslav Davydov says....
Legal sale of marijuana is banned in Los Angeles
The Los Angeles City Council made a decision to close all the outlets of marijuana distribution for medical purposes due to increasingly frequent cases when marijuana was sold to recreational users on medical pretexts using fake prescriptions....